Dotto Bulendu one of TAMCODE’s Founding Member, Rose Ngunangwa TAMCODE ED, Mary Kafyome, TAMCODE Chair and Getrude John from IMS during the WPFD 2023
Dotto Bulendu one of TAMCODE’s Founding Member, Rose Ngunangwa TAMCODE ED, Mary Kafyome, TAMCODE Chair and Getrude John from IMS during the WPFD 2023
On May 14th, 2022, TAMCODE sat for its extraordinary annual general meeting bringing together 7 out of its 10 founding members. Held in Dar es Salaam, the meeting was meant to contemplate the leadership, visibility strategies well as operating procedures, among others. During the encounter, members managed to produce an organogram and appointed a secretariat …
On June 16, TAMCODE issued a press statement as part of the commemoration of the International Day of the African Child. In its statement, TAMCODE raised concern over the escalating rate of cases of sexual abuse against children in the country while calling upon parents to never allow their children to share a room with …