Hilmar Mwalongo

TAMCODE’s Contributions Sail into 2023 WPFD Resolutions in Tanzania

The 30th Anniversary for the World Press Freedom Day in the world reached climax on May 3rd, 2023, in Spice Island with the President of Zanzibar Dr. Hussein Mwinyi gracing the event.The commemorations began on May 1st where media stakeholders in the country including 4 of TAMCODE’s founding members who sat for a 2 days’ …

TAMCODE’s Contributions Sail into 2023 WPFD Resolutions in Tanzania Read More »


On March 20, TAMCODE attended a preparatory meeting for the World Press Freedom Day. The meeting was conducted by UNESCO where TAMCODE is now part of the organizing team. The WPFD commemorations in Tanzania is slated for Zanzibar on May 3rd, this year.

TAMCODE attends fora to discuss on Media Services Act 2016

On April 20, 2023, TAMCODE attended a meeting to discuss the proposed amendment for the Media Services Act 2016. Organized by the Tanzania Editors Forum, the meeting meant among other things to see what recommendations had been taken aboard in the amendments of the said law. During the day, stakeholders called upon the need to …

TAMCODE attends fora to discuss on Media Services Act 2016 Read More »


From left Getrude John (IMS), Rose Mwalongo(TAMCODE) and Nancy Angulo (UNESCO) On April 19, 2023 TAMCODE attended a National Consultation for the Voluntary National Report to the High Level Political Forum.The objectives were to review and draft recommendations in SDG 16 implementation related to freedom of expression, access to information and safety of journalists.The session …