TAMCODE’s Contributions Sail into 2023 WPFD Resolutions in Tanzania

The 30th Anniversary for the World Press Freedom Day in the world reached climax on May 3rd, 2023, in Spice Island with the President of Zanzibar Dr. Hussein Mwinyi gracing the event.
The commemorations began on May 1st where media stakeholders in the country including 4 of TAMCODE’s founding members who sat for a 2 days’ discussion to assess the 30 years of freedom of expression and press in the country, challenges as well as achievements recorded so far.
During the session, TAMCODE Executive Director Rose Ngunangwa raised concern over the poor working conditions of journalists in Tanzania saying most of them were working without contracts amid delays in payment and non- payment. TAMCODE ED called upon media owners to provide working contracts and fair remunerations to members of the press.
Notably, TAMCODE’s contribution became part of the 2023 WPFD Resolutions in Tanzania where the government of Tanzania was requested to conduct due diligence to all registered media outlets to make sure that the latter provide working contracts and pay journalists their salaries and other remunerations on time.
The high level event brought together more than 300 delegates being media stakeholders, veteran journalists, government leaders from the mainland and Zanzibar, members of the diplomatic corps as well as UN agencies.