Promoting Sustainable Development Through Media.

We are dedicated to community development.


Tanzania Media for Community Development (TAMCODE) is a non-governmental media organization established by ten members (6 women and 4 men).

The Organization was registered in Tanzania in April 2022, under the NGOs Act 2002 with registration number 00NGO/R/3164. TAMCODE’s core business is to build the capacity of community and mainstream media journalists to enable them to report all development issues as per UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Capacity development is a core business for TAMCODE to advance its vision and enhance the impact to reach the community, the marginalized and be the voice for the voiceless.


Our mission is to contribute to community development through capacity building, research and advocacy, enabling mainstream and community media to report development issues with consideration of humanity, empathy, objectivity and gender lens.


Our Vision is to see community members participate and make informed decisions on their development.



Our Objectives

This is what we aim to achieve!

To enable communities to access accurate information related to their development as per the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

To contribute to the reduced human rights violations, poverty and related issues through media reporting of those issues.

To enable communities to exercise the right to seek and disseminate information related to their development through mainstream and community media as per Article 18 of the Tanzanian Constitution

To enhance accountability and professionalism among media practitioners through training of mainstream and community media journalists.

To contribute to communities' access to relevant and cultural appropriate information through participation in and initiate research and monitoring of media accountability, professionalism and effectiveness in reporting development issues and media use of ICTs in Tanzania.


Providing training and professional development opportunities: This can include workshops, courses, and other learning opportunities that help journalists, media producers, and other media professionals to improve their skills and knowledge. This can include training in areas such as journalism ethics, fact-checking, reporting, and video production, among others.

We engage in research of various issues related to development.

We engage in advocacy to improve various laws and regulations on development issues as per UN SDGs.

We issue statements, attend activities by partners or engage in a media campaign to mark the following international days:
1. International Zero Tolerance Day Against the Female Genital Mutilation – February 6
2.  The World Radio Day – February 13
3.  The International Women’s Day – March 8
4. The World Press Freedom Day – May 3
5. World Environment Day – June 5
6. The International Day for the African Child – June 16
7.  Sabasaba – July 7
8. International Day of Persons with Disabilities – December 3
9.  The World Day Against the Death Penalty – October 10
10. 16 Days of Activism – October 25- December 10

We provide consulting services in terms of:
1. Coordination of Corporate Events
2. Editorial and Translation of documents
3. Interpretation services during workshops, events, and field visits
4. Rapporteuring and Report Writing Services
5. Compilation of visibility materials such as newsletters
6. Designing and Printing of visibility materials
7. Media Coordination for publicity of events

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News & Updates

The latest community news.

Celebrating World Radio Day – A Voice for Intangible Cultural Heritage and Peace
Each Year on February 13, the world celebrates the World Radio Day in honor of the great role played...
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Call for all municipality in Tanzania to enact by- laws on ICH
By- law makers in Mpanda have called upon the need for each municipality in Tanzania to come with a specific...
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Tanzanians Urged to Embrace Intangible Cultural Heritage for Food Security and Employment Opportunities
By a correspondent in Sumbawanga, Rukwa region Tanzanians have been advised to embrace intangible cultural...
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Tanzania Media for Community Development (TAMCODE).

Copyright © 2022 TAMCODE.