TAMCODE appoints Secretariat Staff

On May 14th, 2022, TAMCODE sat for its extraordinary annual general meeting bringing together 7 out of its 10 founding members. Held in Dar es Salaam, the meeting was meant to contemplate the leadership, visibility strategies well as operating procedures, among others. During the encounter, members managed to produce an organogram and appointed a secretariat of three staff to run the day-to-day operations of the organization comprising Rose Ngunangwa Mwalongo as its Executive Director, Marko Gideon Shekalaghe as its programme Manager (Programming, Planning, M&E, and Research) and Tatu Getrude John as Programme Manager (Capacity Building, Information, Communication, and Outreach). 

The management will employ other staff once the organization secures funding for its activities. On the other hand, the organization voted for its board members to guide the organization and Mary Kafyome won by majority vote as its board chairperson. Other board members are Suzana Charles Mwaitenda (Secretary), Cecilia Mng’ong’o (Treasurer), and Patrick Mwakilama (member). Most of the Board and founding members have vast experiencewithin the media, higher learning institutions, local NGOs as well asinternational NGOs inclusive of the UN system.



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