Journalists in Rukwa in Tanzania have been called upon to publicize the various attractions in the region inclusive of the Kalambo Falls to promote tourism and investment.
Kalambo Falls is reported to be the second in Africa in terms of its size and attractions after Tugela Falls in South Africa.
Honorable Nyakia Ally Chirukie, Sumbawanga District Commissioner made the call in Sumbawanga on November 11 while officiating a capacity building to community radio and digital platform journalists to enable them to promote intangible cultural heritage in Rukwa region.

“Rukwa has unique falls, abundant food inclusive of delicious rice and passable infrastructure. Our region is also endowed with Helium, a rare mineral where reports indicate that its quality ranks second after the USA. Journalists have a great role to publicize these natural resources to attract investment, “said the DC.
For his part, a veteran scribe from the Daily News Peti Siyame said the Kalambo falls were so unique owing to being at the border of Tanzania and Zambia calling upon the need for investors to come to enhance tourism.
The training was conducted by the Tanzania Media for Community Development through the support of the UNESCO- Alwaleed Philanthropies with its goals being to build the capacity of community radio and digital platforms journalists to promote the intangible cultural heritage to enhance employment for youth and women in Rukwa region.
Rukwa region is among the top five (food basket) in terms of food production in Tanzania with food crops grown in the region ranging from maize, rice, beans, sunflower, finger millet, wheat, sorghum and onions just to mention a few,
The region is also endowed with a variety of fish species as 58 percent of Lake Tanganyika is in the region and not to mention of Lake Rukwa.
The various fish species found in the region are Kuhe, Migebuka, Sangara, Kambale as well as sardines.