TAMCODE pays Courtesy Call to UNESCO


On June 9th, TAMCODE secretariat staff paid a courtesy call to UNESCO in a bid to introduce the organization specifically to the Communication and Information (CI) sector within the agency. While there, the team met with the National Programme Officer and CI Sector Lead Nancy Kaizilege where they made a presentation of what TAMCODE is and what it intends to do and achieve while calling upon the latter to involve them in various activities. For

at Nancy the UN Kaizilege Agency.(left) with TAMCODE secretariat staff during an introductory meeting her part, the UNESCO official thanked and hailed the team for the organization while providing technical advice for the latter as takeaways for the organization to move forward. During the first quarter, TAMCODE secretariat staffs have made several efforts to introduce itself to various national and international partners inside and outside the country Virtually and physically they include the Fredrick


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