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Rose Ngunangwa

Rose Ngunangwa Mwalongo is a journalist with excellent writing and language skills. She is a product of Loleza Secondary School in Tanzania, St. Benedict Academy, Gannon University, and Robert Morris College in the US, with her field of study being Communication and English. Rose is a Media Trainer, Rapporteur, Translator, Interpreter, and Moderator. In the past, she has been a columnist for the Family Mirror, Sunday Observer, the Bongo Sun, Nipashe, Tabibu, and Business Times in Tanzania.

Currently, Rose is a Correspondent with the Guardian Newspaper in Tanzania. Her employment records range from a Reporter for the Guardian, Information Officer for LHRC, Programme Officer, Political Affairs and Trade Promotion for the Embassy of Sweden Tanzania, as well as Project Officer for UNESCO in Dar es Salaam. Rose has also undertaken short-term assignments in the past with UNDP, SADC, Tanzania Women Fund, FES, MISATAN, CAMFED, TAZARA, TAWLA, World Vision, International Association of Women in Radio and Television, Equality for Growth, and Search for Common Ground. She has also undertaken assignments for the Legal Service Facilities, HIVOS, Tanzania Women Parliamentarian Group, Africities Summit (AU), Interfaith Partnership in Tanzania, UN Women, TGNP, THRDC, WLAC, Tanzania Media Foundation, and Foundation for Civil Societies. Rose is one of the 15 female journalists out of the 100 in the world who received Global recognition from Women Deliver in New York for their journalistic works to advocate for Women and Girls’ Reproductive Rights.


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